Friday, November 30, 2007

Myspace Layouts


Jason said...

wow that's random.

Will said...

Jake I had to mark up a vote for the PS3. Let me explain. I have both of them and so I know that the PS3 is alot better! The 360 has 3 processors in it while the PS3 has 7. You can't tell to much diference between the graphics right now, but in time the PS3 has amazing potential. Of course no Halo or Gears of War on PS3, but if you can live without that then the PS3 is the choice! Plus online gaming for the PS3...yeah it's free. $60 a year for the 360. Also PS3 has all these free things like I just got the Playstation Eye which is a camera for the playstation and I also downloaded a program in which you can make films, the download was free. Also with the PS Eye it's better than the Wii. They have games where you move and the game acts accordingly, no controllers to move, just your body. Well I could go on and on about Playstation being better, but it comes down to this: Halo 3 now or free online, better graphics, games, and frame speeds.

Jacob said...

Interesting Willy...

I do like Halo alot, but the only time I would ever play it is with you guys at Holidays or with Abram once he gets home...

Hmmm....I will have to think about it more now.

Jacob said...

Jason, I'm all about random. You should know that. :)